Jazz trumpet and organ concert

Events / Jazz trumpet and organ concert

This unique association between Fabien Enger and Andy Emler brings together two singular and creative artistic personalities on the French and international jazz scene. Fabien Enger, trumpeter and composer among the most prominent young French musicians of the new generation, returns from the United States with a wealth of ideas and a mastery that is beyond question. Alongside him, Andy Emler, an experienced pianist (and organist) and renowned composer with countless projects, will be bringing his expertise and talent to bear.

  • Date

    Sunday, October 13th, 2024 from 17:00 to 18:00
  • Prices



    Place of the event

    Eglise Protestante

    Meeting point

    1 Adresse rue de l'Eglise Ville Dorlisheim
  • Car park

    Nearest train station: Distance station (km): 1,5 Km
  • Access for disabled persons

    Access for disabled persons
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