Restaurant L'Olivar

35 Places. Creative cooking of Mediterranean inspiration, with fresh products

  • Opening times

    Lunch time

    from : 12h00 - Until : 2pm

    Dinner times

    from : 6pm Until : 9:30pm

    Weekly closure

    Monday Tuesday Saturday lunchtime
  • Specialties


    Tapas World cuisine Vegetarian


    végétarien végétalien/vegan
  • Access for disabled people

    Access for disabled persons
  • Equipments

    Terrace Bar Dish of the day Group reception Orchestra
  • Capacity

    - Total number of covers in the dining room : 35 people
  • Parking

    Less than 200 m from a free public car park
    Nearest train station: Molsheim Distance station (km): 5 Km
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