Graine de citrouille

Events / Graine de citrouille

When alternative pedagogy meets the culinary arts... Children will discover the pumpkin (life cycle, anatomy, etc.) through Montessori-inspired activities, decorate pumpkin cookies with Halloween-colored glazes, and learn about a zero-waste approach by using pumpkin seeds (how to plant them, or eat them). Children will leave with their activity booklets, cookie bags and toasted seeds. Workshop proposed by une Abeille en Cuisine & Perles en Eveil

  • Date

    Saturday, October 19th, 2024 from 16:00 to 17:30
  • Prices



    Place of the event

    Salle polyvalente

    Meeting point

    53 Adresse rue du Nideck Ville Oberhaslach
  • Car park

    Nearest train station: Urmatt
Pointeur Oberhaslach

Fou de trucks festival

from 10/19 to 10/20
Pointeur Oberhaslach

Atelier furoshiki

Pointeur Oberhaslach

Rouleaux d'automne créatifs

Pointeur Oberhaslach

Histoire de plantes

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