Tour-Vélo de la Communauté de Communes

Events / To do this week / Our favorites / Tour-Vélo de la Communauté de Communes

The communauté de communes de la région de Molsheim-Mutzig proposes for its 22nd edition the tour-vélo:
5 circuits of 10, 17,5, 22 and 35,5km are proposed with refreshments at certain places.
Starting points - Edition 2024 :
1. Molsheim [Soft Mobility theme]
2. Mutzig [Soft Mobility theme]
3. Ergersheim (departure of elected representatives) [Thématique Eau & Energy]
4. Duppigheim [Waste & Recovery theme]
The starting points organize registration for participants between 8:30 and 11:00 a.m., followed by a snack of knacks, an éclair and a drink.

Supply points - Edition 2024:
5. Dorlisheim
6. Wolxheim
7. Ernolsheim-Bruche
8. Altorf
Supply points distribute small sweet snacks and drinks from 8:30am to 12pm.


- Bike repair workshop - Cyclimoov
- Presentation of local hiking trails - Club Vosgien
- La Molshémienne - Office municipal des sports de Molsheim
- Passage du Biker 1 - Trace Verte
- Presentation of St'Hopla - PETR Bruche Mossig
- Country dancing demonstration - Sweet Boots
- Blood sugar screening - Alsace Cardio
- Waste sorting animation - Select'Om
- Wastewater treatment theme - SDEA
- Water resources - SDEA
- Rainwater harvesting - CC de Molsheim - Mutzig
- Energy transition - CC de Molsheim - Mutzig
- Rivers & Flooding - Syndicat Mixte Bassin Bruche Mossig

New features :
- Dedicated theme for each starting point
- Level 1 eco-labeling

  • Date

    Sunday, September 22th, 2024 from 08:30
  • Prices



    Place of the event

    Molsheim Mutzig Ergersheim Duppigheim

    Meeting point

    Ville Région de Molsheim-Mutzig
  • Car park

    Nearest train station: Molsheim
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